Try beating me lightly!!
Beat me with your fist.. 😍 Beat me with your feet... 😍 Beat me with your voice and your words.. 😍 Beat me to the top of the mountain... 😍 Beat me on the ground... 😍 Beat me at life.. 😍 Aagey badho.. Karke dikhao B'cause I have been waiting to show you.. I am UNbeatable!! ❤️❤️❤️ Earlier this year, a Pakistani Islamic council had said that husbands should 'lightly beat' their wives in order to discipline them.😠😠😠 #aageybadho #TryBeatingMeLightly #tryandbeatme #iamunbeatable #domesticviolence #UNwomenpakistan❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️